The festival is located 10km from Alhama de Granada, which is 50km south-west of Granada in Andalucia, southern Spain. The site is quickly accesible by road from the A92 between Malaga and Granada. Please see the Getting There By Road page.
There are internal flights from Madrid and Barcelona to Granada, and from many more cities in Spain to Malaga, more details on the Getting There by Air page.
There are trains to Malaga and Granada from all over Spain. The trains are more expensive than the coach but more comfortable. See in English for times and fares. Renfe operate sleeper trains between various destinations (including Barcelona to Granada) which are a convenient, comfortable and environmentally friendly alternative to internal flights.
Coaches run regularly from all over Spain to Malaga and Granada and in general are good value and reliable. For times and fares see in English
Local buses run between Granada and Alhama de Granada. Please see Local Information for times
There will be a regular festival shuttle bus between the Alhama de Granada and the site.
2005 overheadBefore booking your flight take a minute to consider travelling overland to the festival. Travelling overland you see the changing countryside unfolding and really experience the journey. If you have the time to spend it's generally better for the environment.
There are a large number of flights daily to Granada and Malaga from many European cities. Please see Getting There By Plane for more details
The festival is 45 mins from Granada Airport and 90 minutes from Malaga Airport by car. Both airports have a large range of car hire companies. We recommend Auriga Crown car hire who are offering a discount for Rocket festival goers.
There will be a Rocket Shuttle from Granada Airport and Malaga Airport
to Alhama de Granada and return which will run on certain specific
times to coincide with flights to and from the UK. The bus will only
cater for the popular flights. If you want to use the Rocket Shuttle,
please register with this website, login and enter your arrival and departure times in the travel info section of your account. The Rocket Shuttle will cost around 5€ from Granada and 10€ from Malaga.
Please note: We will endeavour to provide buses for the majority of people flying into Malaga and Granada from the UK but we can't guarantee an appropriate bus for your flight.
We will post the bus timetable on this page by the middle of April.
This gives you plenty of time to find alternative travel options such
as local buses or car hire.
Festival goers may also choose to fly to other airports in Spain and organise their own transport to the site .
Rocket has teamed up with overland travel specialists Loco2 to offer a wonderful package deal including overland travel to the festival on environmentally friendly, romantic overnight train journeys from London via Paris, Barcelona and Madrid. Please see Getting There By Rail from UK.
Eurolines run coaches to Malaga and Granada from all over Europe, see
If you are driving to the festival or would like a lift, please let people know on our liftshare forum.