Radio Disturbo are a local soundsystem who have been throwing parties in pristine locations around Andalusia for about six years. Décor plays a large part in creating the distinctive feel of Radio Disturbo, including sculptures such as the large white skeleton that appears on this website and hand sewn backdrops.
lizard flagsThe Rocket Festival is much more than just stages and venues. Scrap sculptures, giant installations, projections, huge flags, graffiti art - the festival is a cornucopia of visual delights. The perfect complement to the natural beauty of the site and the dazzling acts providing the entertainment.
Los hombres de gris han aterrizado en el Rocket festival para liarte y robarte todo tu tiempo. Tu tiempo es tu vida, un juego de sucesos entretejidos, de pasados confusos, presentes difusos y futuros inciertos. Pero la cashiopea conseguirá atraparte porque allí sentirás, simplemente, que el tiempo se desvanece, que el niñ@ que eres resurge para desplazar a la persona mayor que te crees que eres. Nos quedaremos con vuestro tiempo; os quedareis con todo y más.